3X More Fully Vaccinated Hospitalizations and Deaths than Not Vaccinated in July
Higher Rate of Death for Fully Vaccinated compared to Not Fully Vaccinated in July
Maine CDC updates Breakthrough Data on a weekly basis, showing increases from the previous week. Using the date range 06/27 to 07/25, the ME CDC Data showed that there were 3X as many fully vaccinated deaths and new hospitalizations compared to the unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated.
During the 4-week time period, 67.5% of cases (4142 of 6141), 74.37% of new hospitalizations (148 of 199), and 76.8% of new deaths (33 of 43) were reported as Fully Vaccinated by the Maine CDC.
Higher Rate of Death for Fully Vaccinated Mainers in July
The Maine CDC has long used a mortality rate per 100k residents to understand vaccine efficacy. There are other, more effective ways to understand vaccine efficacy among a population, however this format has been the standard by the Dr. Shah, ME CDC and the US CDC, always to indicate efficacy. By using the general population as the “base,” they can ignore confounders such as likelihood of exposure, age, general health, co-morbidities and weight. (See this previous article for more on how Dr. Shah uses/misuses this data).

That said, let’s use the ME CDC’s Hospitalization and Death Rate in the vaccinated and not fully vaccinated population.
By using the population and vaccination rate data directly from the ME CDC’s website, we can recreate the same rate for July (06/27 to 07/25). With 75% of 1.34 Million Mainers now considered fully vaccinated, we see that the vaccine had effectively zero impact on the rates of hospitalization or deaths in the month of July. In each category, the rates are so similar it would be foolish to consider drawing any conclusion of efficacy.
From 06/27 to 07/25, Fully Vaccinated Mainers died at a rate of 3.28 per 100k fully vaccinated residents compared to 2.96 per 100k not fully vaccinated Mainers. Hospitalization rates were just as similar, with 14.70 hospitalizations per 100k fully vaccinated Mainers compared to 15.11 hospitalizations per 100k residents that were not fully vaccinated.
These rates - that “really matter” according to Dr. Shah - clearly signal a lack of vaccine efficacy among Mainers in the month of July. Using the Breakthrough Data presented by the ME CDC, the vaccines had an effectively zero impact in the month of July.
As Death Counts Decrease, Fully Vaccinated Outnumber 2.5 to 1
COVID-19 death counts for the fully vaccinated have slowly decreased in Maine since March, staying steady in May (56) and June (53) and decreasing again in July to a total of 43, including 33 that were fully vaccinated. This is good news, relative to death totals earlier in the year.
However, this death count (43 in July ‘22) is still higher than in the same date range in 2021. From 06/27/21 to 07/25/21, 39 Mainers died due at least in part to COVID-19, 4 less than the same time period in 2022 (Wikipedia has a handy, sortable chart for cases, hospitalizations and deaths).
Hundreds of thousands of Mainers became vaccinated and boosted in the past 12 months, yet more Mainers are dying, and the vast majority of them are fully vaccinated.
Again - this is not an anomaly, this is the new normal.
From February 28 to July 25th, 244 fully vaccinated Mainers died due at least in part to COVID-19, outnumbering the 96 not fully vaccinated deaths 2.5 to 1.
Simple Questions
How can our leaders justify the use of the vaccine for any population? How long will our local media, reporters and news broadcasters refuse to publish this data or ask relevant questions of our health “authorities?” What data can Governor Mills and Dr. Shah use to justify the continued Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers? How can our colleges and universities still continue to mandate these vaccines and boosters for their students?
These are simple questions, but they demand clear answers from our leaders.
Live not by lies. Seek the Truth.