16 Mainers Added to COVID Death Count, Media is Silent. I Wonder Why?
77% of Deaths since March were FULLY VACCINATED
Over the last week, the Maine CDC added 16 Mainers to the COVID-19 Death Count, which now stands at 2,486 since March 2020. This was an especially deadly week, considering only 7 Mainers had died since 7/11.
There was a time, not so long ago, that these deaths would be noted and grieved by our media. Dr. Shah would routinely begin his weekly briefings on a “sad note” by reporting on the weeks most recent deaths associated with COVID-19 before taking a swig of Diet Coke. Regardless of if they died “of” or “with” COVID-19, these deaths were reported regularly, adding to the fear and reasons to “do the right thing” by masking and vaccinating.
So why is the Portland Press Herald, Bangor Daily News and other outlets like NewsCenter Maine silent on these deaths? Where is Dr. Shah? He finds time for twitter almost every day, but has been silent about these new deaths.
I can only speculate, but the vaccine status of those who past may have something to do with the lack of reporting. From 7/25 to 8/2, ME CDC reported 16 new deaths, 13 of which were fully vaccinated.

At this point, it’s not an anomaly. It’s the new normal.
In the 4 weeks since the 4th of July, 78% (37 of 47) of deaths associated with COVID-19 were reported as fully vaccinated by the ME CDC. Dating back to March 6, the ME CDC has reported 323 deaths associated with COVID-19, including 248 (77%) that were fully vaccinated.
The percentage the fully vaccinated among weekly death counts from the ME CDC has routinely eclipses the state’s population vaccination rate of 75%. This has been true since early spring.
The silence of the local media and the ME CDC regarding these 16 recent deaths betrays them, exposing their real motives. They are more interested in protecting a narrative than in protecting the lives of Mainers or reporting simple truths.
Live not by lies. Seek the Truth.
If you observe closely, the facts are not fitting the socially constructed narrative. It is also an election year and politicians would like to skip over past statements and actions and let lions lie. Don't poke the beast! Can't we all get along and forget? So Dr Shah slinks from the podium and goes to his Twitter station. Let's not ask any more questions, is what they hope.
The last bastion of defense/justification of vaccine mandates is that it reduces your chance of death. They had to abandon a litany of premature, untested, and ultimately inaccurate claims - stops infection cold, significantly cuts transmission (both asypmtomatic and symptomatic), reduces hospitalizations. "Thank God I am doubly shot and doubly boosted!" The fully vaccinated and boosted are left with a five day treatment of an untested (or only tested on unvaccinated) experimental use authorized, not approved, pharmaceutical profit engine for Pfizer that has a high incidence of "rebound".
The vaccinated are now just as, if not more, susceptible to infection as the unvaccinated. Dr Malone and many others are outlining how "immune imprinting" is working to make this debacle keep on giving. Is not enough enough? Did we just rush a "cure" onto the market and prolong the pain and suffering? Is this a major mismanagement of public health aided and abetted by coercive tactics on the part of the State and States (some of them at least, especially Maine) and Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Media?
What a shame and what a pickle we find ourselves in.
The best part of this posting is the recognition that Dr. Shah, the man in charge of public health in all its manifestations in Maine, comes to the podium every single time with a can of Diet Coke in his hand. The man, in charge of messaging as well and managing public health, is a junk food junkie. Is it a "product placement". Is he remunerated?
I am sorry, but there is nothing healthy about projecting that message. Drink water, get sunlight and fresh air and quality sleep, connect with people. Don't be afraid. You have defenses. You are not alone. You have friends and professionals who can help. But you have to ask yourself the hard questions that reality is presenting to you. Dr Shah is not. It seems he is in a corner eating a pickle and drinking a Diet Coke.
Dr Robert Malone's article on immune imprinting...