Welcome New Free Subscribers!
KMF picked up a bunch of new subscribers in the last 24 hours. Welcome! This was mostly due to State Representative Laurel Libby of Auburn. Most politicians and leaders avoid talking about COVID-19 in a way that is critical of the official narrative. Most do not engage in the data or seek to understand it well.
Rep. Laurel Libby is not like “most.” She took to Facebook and went live with a strong message for Governor Mills and Dr. Shah. She didn’t hold back. She spoke truth and logic with honesty and passion. Check her video out here and share it - far and wide.

COVID-19 Hospitalizations Increase (Again)
As of today, there are 221 Mainers hospitalized with/for COVID-19.
This is another high for the past 4+ months, dating back to May. Dr. Shah shared a thread on Twitter on Tuesday evening, explaining that this increase was due in part to a rise in “all-cause” hospitalizations across the state.
He also made a distinction between those hospitalized “for” and “with” COVID-19. Separately, he notes that those who are hospitalized “with” COVID-19 are a fraction of the whole, but contribute to the total rise. He also predicts that hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 will continue to increase.

There are 4 important questions that must be asked (and should be answered) regarding Dr. Shah’s explanation for the spike in COVID-19 hospitalizations. If he ever holds a press briefing again, perhaps some rogue reporter could do so.
Q1: Why is Dr. Shah only now making a distinction between “for” and “with”? Hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 are higher today than a year ago. The number of hospitalizations at that time was used to push many controversial policies - like the Healthcare Worker Mandate. This distinction was not part of his briefings in October ‘20, ’21 or ‘22.
Q2: Why are overall, “all -cause” hospitalizations increasing across the state? It wouldn’t be strange -IMO- to see an increase in hospitalizations in one hospital. That could speak to any number of issues - general age and health of population, recent accident, exposure to some sort of chemical, etc. What is strange - to me - is that increase is state wide. It begs further investigation. Is there a common increase? Heart attacks, strokes?
Q3: How many of the “all cause” hospitalized are Fully Vaccinated? If there a disproportionate number of the “all cause” hospitalizations that are fully vaccinated, boosted or not vaccinated at all, it could be a signal that something is wrong with the vaccines. If not - it would be good to know that as well. Has COVID made us sicker or has the vaccines? Is it a combination?
Q4: What is the vaccine status of those who have been hospitalized for or with COVID-19? Since August 2021, the ME CDC has updated the COVID-19 Breakthrough Data on a weekly bases, with few exceptions. It has been 17 days since the last update, the longest time between updates. The last one was on 9/20. That update showed an increase from the previous 7 days. It showed that 94% of new hospitalizations and all 8 of the recent deaths were fully vaccinated.

We will wait and see if the ME CDC give us this data by the end of today. If not, it will most likely be on Tuesday after the holiday weekend.
At this point, it seems like they don’t want us to know how the vaccine is impacting the increase in Maine hospitalizations associated with COVID-19.
Either way - KMF will report on it.
Live not by lies. Seek the Truth.