Gov. Mills Brags on Her Pandemic Response, but ME CDC Data Demonstrate Her Failure
87% of ME Deaths occurred AFTER the vaccine was available
Governor Mills has been more vocal about her pandemic response in recent weeks. The campaign has featured 4 debates between Governor Mills and former Governor Lepage. The pandemic, vaccine mandates and other related topics have barely been mentioned.
In the last debate, hosted by NewsCenter Maine, Governor Mills was asked directly about Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate, which went into effect 12 months ago in October of 2021.

The question came from a registered nurse and included a reference to the vaccine’s inability to stop transmission, alluding to the common sense perspective that there is nothing gained from a non-neutralizing vaccine.
Governor Mills response showed that she stands by her mandate - calling it a work requirement. She notes that it was necessary because, “We were finding the virus in hospitals…”
Her campaign sent out the following tweet the day after the debate.

Her statements are correct. Maine ranks among the highest in vaccination rates. The rate of death associate with COVID-19 in Maine since the pandemic began is 197 per 100,000 residents, good enough for 6th lowest among all US States according to the NYT.
So her facts do correlate.
But Governor, correlation does not equal causation.
Governor Mills is using the art of obfuscation - rendering the actual cost of her policies difficult to understand or perceive.
So let’s clear things up a bit.
87% of COVID-19 Deaths in Maine Occurred AFTER the Vaccines was Available
The COVID-19 vaccines first became available in Maine in mid December 2020. Since then, 2,314 Mainers have lost there lives due - at least in part - to COVID-19. That number accounts for more than 87% of deaths associate with COVID-19 in the sate of Maine (2314 of 2650).
To put it more bluntly, 87% of Maine’s COVID-19 deaths occurred after the COVID-19 Vaccines became available.
But that includes a time when very few were vaccinated. As more Mainers became vaccinated, surely the deaths decreased - right?
Unfortunately, the numbers prove otherwise.
On August 9, 2021, Governor Mills announced that 80% of adults in Maine had received at least 1 shot of COVID-19 vaccines.
Coincidentally, the ME CDC started tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths a few days earlier on August 6th.
Since August 6, 2021, 1,572 Mainers have died with COVID-19, accounting for 59.3% of all COVID-19 related deaths in the state of Maine.
According to Maine CDC Data, of those that died with COVID-19 since August 6, 2021, 49% were fully vaccinated (767 of 1572).
To summarize, 87% of COVID-19 related deaths occurred after the vaccine was viable, and 59% of all COVID-19 Deaths in Maine occurred after 80% of adults were vaccinated and nearly half of those deaths were fully vaccinated.
While Mills fired Unvaccinated Nurses, the Fully Vaccinated Were Dying at a Higher Rate when Infected with COVID-19
It’s no wonder that Governor Mills and her campaign have attempted to obfuscate the actual data with the use of simplistic and ultimately dishonest claims of her pandemic response being among the best.
Governor Mills tyrannical policies culminated in the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers. Unlike similar mandates across the country - and ultimately President Biden’s - Mills’ mandated did not allow for philosophical or religious exemptions, demonstrating an especially rigid form of policy, aimed directly at coercing medical professionals who wished not to received an experimental vaccine.
Mills’ mandate went into effect at the end of October of 2021. Mainers were suffering greatly from the Delta variant of COVID-19, which spiked in October and November, leading to record deaths and hospitalizations. At home treatment was discouraged in favor of vaccination and hospitalization protocols that proved to be ineffective.
Dr. Carolyne Falank, a Maine based Microbiologist, reviewed ME CDC Breakthrough Case data from August 6 to December 23, 2021, ME CDC Data shows that COVID-19 infected Mainers who were fully vaccinated were 60% more likely to die and 56% more likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19. The fully vaccinated also represented 45.5% of all hospitalizations during that same time frame.
Dr. Falank’s analysis used a simple calculation to understand the rate of mortality and hospitalization among Mainers who tested positive for COVID-19, sorted by vaccine status. Below is an excerpt from her letter to Dr. Shah, detail ing her analysis.

Dr. Falank requested more information to do a broader study. Her requests were not granted.
Governor Mills and her Administration Must be Held Accountable on Election Day
The type of leadership that Governor Mills is capable of was on full display during the pandemic. Instead of trusting the people of Maine to act wisely as each saw fit, she created policies to control and restrict. Instead of working across political lines, she secluded herself with a handful of advisors who ruled over Maine residents. She restricted the freedom to gather, worship and access to quality public education. She created a snitch line for anyone who didn’t follow her rules. Small business capacity caps, school closures, and vaccine mandates destroyed livelihoods and careers of many Mainers - Republicans, Democrats, Independents and everything in between.
Governor Mills justified each policy and action taken against the people of Maine by promising to end the pandemic, lower deaths and hospitalizations. Yet each action lead to more deaths associated with COVID-19, not less.
If Governor Mills were to simply show remorse for her actions or admit that mistakes were made, one could almost excuse this abject failure. Yet she is choosing to brag on herself, justifying her actions.
The results of her style of tyrannical leadership are simple and clear. She and her administration have lost the right to govern the people of Maine.
On November 8th, 2022, vote accordingly.
Live not by lies. Seek the Truth.